Kyle McDonald

Notes from the Pacific
Kyle McDonald
Kyle McDonald
Notes from the Pacific

The place




Hours and dates

  • Oct 27 from 10:40 to 11:20

Kyle McDonald is a Los Angeles-based artist working with code. He crafts interactive installations, sneaky interventions, playful websites, workshops, and toolkits for other artists working with code. Exploring possibilities of new technologies to understand how they affect society, to misuse them, and build alternative futures ; aiming to share a laugh, spark curiosity, create confusion, and share spaces with magical vibes. Working with machine learning, computer vision, social and surveillance tech spanning commercial and arts spaces.

Previously adjunct professor at NYU’s ITP, member of F.A.T. Lab, community manager for openFrameworks, and artist in residence at STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at CMU, and YCAM in Japan. Work commissioned and shown around the world, including the V&A, NTT ICC, Ars Electronica, Sonar, Todays Art and Eyebeam.

Kyle McDonald
Kyle McDonald
Kyle McDonald
Kyle McDonald

Notes from the Pacific

The last few years of Kyle’s art practice have focused on projects connected to the ocean and the climate : investigating energy infrastructure and emissions, working with humpback songs and machine learning, and assisting Polynesian sailors who are documenting sharing their traditional voyaging techniques.

This direction has rebuilt his understanding of his relationship to the environment and to others, and overturned his perspective on the role technology can play in our society.

Thanks to the support of European FEDER funds, this conference is exceptionally being offered free of charge, on request from the festival reception (entrance to the marquee).