
How to get to the festival ? Where to eat, drink and sleep in Namur ? We tell you everything here!


Place du Vieux


A square with a handful of bars, the perfect place to relax with a fresh belgian beer after an intense day of conferences. One of the local’s favourite spots for going out. Officially named “Place du Marché aux Légumes”, La Place du Vieux is also the KIKK unofficial HQ for late evening drinks.


Brasserie François


From lunch to dinner, Namur offers beautiful gastronomic discoveries, from French cuisine to exotic specialities. Make your choice.


Chez Juliette


To relax after a hard day, nothing beats a cool lager in the favourite places of the Namur people. The city welcomes you to many bars, where you will certainly find something to quench your thirst!


Hôtel Vedette


To enjoy the Festival to the fullest until the end of the night, various places for all budgets are available in Namur: hotels, apartments, cottages, youth hostels, Airbnb, etc.

Check out our accommodation selection or the Facebook group Finding Accomodation.