Anna Ridler

Synthetic Data
Anna Ridler
Anna Ridler
Synthetic Data

The place




Hours and dates

  • Oct 26 from 12:40 to 13:20

Anna Ridler is an artist and researcher who works with systems of knowledge and how technologies are created in order to better understand the world. She is particularly interested in ideas around measurement and quantification and how this relates to the natural world. Her process often involves working with collections of information or data, particularly data sets, to create new and unusual narratives.

Her work has been exhibited widely at cultural institutions worldwide including the Barbican Centre, Centre Pompidou, HeK Basel, The Photographers’ Gallery, the ZKM Karlsruhe, Ars Electronica and the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Anna Ridler's work 3
Anna Ridler's work 2
Anna Ridler's work

Synthetic Data

Looking at the relationship between data and artificial intelligence and how it can be used for artistic purposes ; and how the recent developments with large text to image models potentially change this.