France Booth

A fine selection of France's best innovative companies will be present in the Village.
A fine selection of France's best innovative companies will be present in the Village.

The place

Creative Village



Hours and dates

  • Oct 26 from 10am to 6pm
Ambassade de France en Belgique
Institut Français
Le Fresnoy

For the 12th edition of the KIKK Festival, France will be represented by a number of leading players from the cultural and creative industries :

1. Professionals from the hybrid arts and digital culture sector, led by the HACNUM national network: Electroni-k, Interstice, Chroniques, Saint-Exx digital culture, Festival ZERO1, Le Cube-Garges, 36 degrés, BLIIIDA, La Citadelle, Hexagone, OVVO Studio, TMNlab, Ensembles 2.2, Rencontres audiovisuelles, Oblique/s, Neodigital.

2. Emerging artists and designers from Le Fresnoy – Le Studio national des arts contemporains

3. Entrepreneurs and creative start-ups.

This year, there will be two unique opportunities to meet all these people.

– The first is the B2B breakfast organised by Pavillon France, on Friday 27 from 9am to 10.30am. Places are limited and registration required via this link.

– Second highlight : the HACNUM talk (IN FRENCH) in the Friends Room, on Friday 27 from 11.40am to 12.20pm. This year, the talk will be entitled Exploring the French digital creation ecosystem. There will be five speakers : Céline Berthoumieux (general delegate of the HACNUM network), Léa Conrath (general coordinator of the HACNUM network), Luc Brou (coordinator of Oblique/s), Gaëtan Gromer (artistic director of Ensembles 2.2) and Hannah Loué (project manager at the Institut Français). Each of them will discuss their own experiences in order to understand the challenges facing digital creation in France. How can we support the circulation of works and artists ? How can a network be structured and promoted ?

The aim of the Pavillon France is to give Belgian and international professionals the opportunity to discover an attractive ecosystem and meet innovative companies, emerging artists and French professionals who are influencers in the field of digital creation.

The initiative is being led by the French Embassy in Belgium as part of EXTRA, with the support of the French Institute, the French local authorities, the HACNUM network and Le Fresnoy.




    A space for creation, production and innovation, dedicated to artistic practices and digital industries, located in former bus depots in Metz. It’s a third-party space where various resident structures and companies are working to rethink the ways in which we produce, consume, innovate, live and breathe. It’s an open-ended, modular facility that encourages the emergence, development and support of projects by encouraging people to meet and exchange skills.

    The Citadelle of Marseille

    Since December 2021, La Citadelle has been managing Fort d’Entrecasteaux, a five-hectare site overlooking Marseille’s Old Port, listed as a Historic Monument in 1969 and also known as “Fort Saint-Nicolas”. It’s a real place to live and create, with a participative approach and a permanent artistic eye. A first date has already been set for May 2024, when the North Gardens will be permanently open to the public. In the meantime, there will be a wide range of activities open to the public, including tours and artistic and cultural events.

    Le Cube Garges

    A centre for interdisciplinary and digital cultural innovation, comprising six 8,000 m² facilities. Focused on creative renewal, it combines the discovery of new artistic forms, inclusive practices, digital training and interdisciplinary reflection on societal issues.

    36 degrees

    An association born of the desire to create digital and human artistic experiences by experimenting with unique formats. A hybrid project that unites digital arts and new media with electronic music, 36 degrés promotes digital art by creating a connection between the public, the works and the artists during off-site exhibitions. 36 degrés shares and supports digital creations and their creators in its online and IRL curatorial projects.


    A project dedicated to contemporary artistic creation in the fields of sound, image and new media, with a particular focus on multi-disciplinary and innovative creations. Every year in October, the association produces the Maintenant festival, designed as a snapshot of contemporary artistic practices, and works with its partners to create a wide range of year-round cultural activities for a wide range of audiences, focusing on the arts, music and technology.

    Les Ensembles 2.2

    A creative studio working in the field of sound and hybrid arts, specialising in designing projects for public spaces. Experts in the field of sound, they imagine, produce, accompany and disseminate multifaceted creations: compositions, installations and sound trails. These works are the fruit of precise and accessible artistic work, accompanied by a territorial approach and a tailored range of mediation services.

    Interstice Festival

    The festival presents exhibitions and performances that use sound, light and movement to explore our contemporary relationship with technology and the environment in a variety of surprising ways.

    ZERO1 Festival

    Organised by students in the master’s 2 course in Audiovisual and Digital Project Management at La Rochelle University, this festival combines the digital arts with the heritage of La Rochelle. For the past 4 years, the festival has been staging exhibitions, conferences and workshops, as well as digital experiments in the service of art, in the key venues of La Rochelle.

    Hexagone Scène nationale arts sciences

    L’Hexagone is a theatre with national stage accreditation located in Meylan, near Grenoble. Its work focuses on the encounter between the arts and science. Since 2001, L’Hexagone has been working to bring the arts and sciences together through technology and local initiatives. The establishment encourages encounters, research, creation and innovation around the theme of the arts and sciences.

    OVVO Studio

    A studio based in Montreuil that develops a multi-disciplinary approach to creation, through art installations, events, scenographic research, projection mapping, hybrid experiences, technical expertise in projection and interactive design.


    The Théâtres & Médiations à l’ère numérique (TMNlab) laboratory aims to bring together and lead a learning community of performing arts professionals to produce and disseminate a responsible digital culture: to develop the sector’s digital literacy, a digital culture in tune with the issues of our time; to question, experiment with and document existing and future digital uses, tools and systems; to facilitate exchange, cooperation and peer-to-peer training in France and abroad; to give visibility to, promote and gain recognition for innovative professional practices. This is to be achieved through the creation of a digital collaborative space, the organisation of events and all other means and activities likely to contribute to the achievement of its corporate purpose.

    Rencontres audiovisuelles de Lille

    An association dedicated to new images in the Hauts-de-France region since 1998. The association produces the Festival International du Court Métrage, runs an annual screening room in Lille (L’hybride), and offers a wide range of distribution initiatives in the region. Organises educational screenings, awareness-raising initiatives, audiovisual creation workshops and artistic activities around image education. Supports the development of the video mapping industry in Europe, particularly in the Hauts-de-France region (Video Mapping Festival, Video Mapping Contest).

    Saint-Ex, digital culture – Reims, Grand-Est operator

    A place for experimentation, transmission, creation and artistic dissemination dedicated to the digital arts, “maker” culture and technological innovation. The strength and uniqueness of the Saint-Ex project lies in its ability to combine artistic and cultural aspects, building bridges between artistic creation and digital practices. Saint-Ex’s mission is to develop people’s sensitivity, vision and curiosity about contemporary artistic expression.


    The Chroniques biennial, also known as the Biennale des Imaginaires Numériques, is an event supported by the associations Seconde Nature and Zinc. It takes place every two years in the Southern Region, notably in Aix-en-Provence and Marseille, under this name since 2018. The event aims to promote new practices in the artistic field in the digital age. To this end, exhibitions and meetings with the artists supported by the two associations are organised.


    Created in 2020, the Réseau national des arts hybrides et cultures numériques brings together more than 400 players in the sector in France. Hacnum brings together professionals from a wide range of backgrounds: artists, festivals, theatres, concert halls, third-party venues, art centres, fablabs, residencies, digital creation studios, business clusters, art galleries, universities, journalists, etc. to defend their shared interests. Its remit: to represent the hybrid arts and digital culture sector, to run the network of members, and to support institutional and cultural players.


    A professional network for digital arts and culture in Normandy that communicates, informs and develops artistic and cultural initiatives in relation to digital technology. Its main mission is to highlight existing “cultural and digital” initiatives in the region, then to support and connect them. Oblique/s promotes and defends new artistic practices using digital technology, and leads a community of professionals and reflection on new ways of creating, producing and distributing hybrid works.


    At studio neo digital, we create, build and operate immersive experiences. Rooted in the imagination, we bring to life places where light, architecture, sound, interactivity and special effects combine to transform a simple moment of ephemeral curiosity into an unforgettable artistic experience ! Whether it’s an exhibition, an interactive installation, a sound and light show, a road show, a showroom or even an attraction, we strive to instil a sense of wonder in order to explore the possibilities of a future that has yet to be built beyond all limits ! To do this, in our French studios we bring together under one roof a multitude of talents and multi-disciplinary approaches : directors, set designers, architects, lighting designers, concept artists, scenographers, web designers, motion designers, engineers, carpenters, 3D/2D computer graphics artists, illustrators, etc.
