Jeux vidéo et innovations XR : les ponts entre ludification et industrie
Jeux vidéo et innovations XR : les ponts entre ludification et industrie

The place

Theatre - Friends room



Hours and dates

  • Oct 27 from 16:20 to 17:00

For “Human Interaction Technology Transfer”, the HITT consortium is leading the Strategic Innovation Initiative integrated into Wallonia’s S3 strategy. Supported by 2 university innovation platforms (Le Click – UMons and the MiiL – UCLouvain), Digital Station (Sambrinvest) and the RTBF, the initiative includes several collaborative projects involving players from training (Technocité’s XR Academy) and research (Centres de Recherche Agréés).


Jeux vidéo et innovations XR : les ponts entre ludification et industrie

(Video games and XR innovations: bridging the gap between entertainment and industry) – TALK IN FRENCH –

A driving simulator developed to test specific situations, confirm autonomous driving algorithms and analyse driver behaviour. A virtual digital twin of a water treatment plant dedicated to simulation and training. Metavers for multi-user training, shopping for the future and playful onboarding of new employees. These are just a few examples of how techniques borrowed from video games can optimise learning and collaboration processes in an industrial environment.

This question will be at the heart of the discussion led by the HITT (Human Interaction Technology Transfer) consortium with industrial players brought together around concrete cases to truly understand what is meant by “Industry of the Future” or Transformation 4.0.

With :

Olivier Pirlet – Software Development Engineer – UX Specialist at AISIN Europe

Thomas Kubski Director – digital strategy & experience design at Deloitte Digital

Sebastien Nahon – Media Innovation & Intelligibility Lab (MIIL) Manager UCLouvain

Dimitra Manoliadis – Co-founder Altheria

Panel moderated by Thierry Jourquin, co-founder of XRintelligence and coordinator of HITT.