Nicky Assmann


The place




Hours and dates

  • From 10am to 6pm daily
Ambassade des Pays-Bas

The immaterial and intangible character of light, colour and motion forms the starting point of Nicky Assmann’s spatial installations, in which she endeavours to heighten our perception. With a background in Film and ArtScience, she combines artistic, scientific and cinematographic knowledge in experiments that use physical and chemical processes, such as turbulence and fluid dynamics. Topics that serve as a metaphor for the turbulent and fluid times in which we live.

By implementing natural and optical phenomena she creates visual compositions for a sensorial experience and often ephemeral macro universes.

Her work takes shape in the form of kinetic light installations, video-installations and performances and is embedded in a context of expanded cinema, visual music and the concept of synaesthesia.

Nicky Assman


Solaris is an apparatus consisting of several soap films that can be lifted manually. It is a machine that explores the mental process and physical activity of seeing and creates soap films as a spatial intervention. Solaris shows 6 screens placed behind each other to fully experience the play with light and reflections that occur between the different frames of the soap films. Through precise lighting the inner movement of the soap film is revealed, showing a turbulent choreography of iridescent colors and fluid motion. As gravity slowly takes hold of the membrane, the viewer can be mesmerized by the phenomenon, until inevitably the fragile film bursts.

Solaris is embedded in a context of visual music, extended cinema, synesthesia and what Nicky Assmann calls hypercolours, which characterize her work and are brought out in this work through the use of light. In creating her own screens made of thin soap films and the specific use of light, she plays with the different elements of the cinematic apparatus in the lineage of expanded cinema. The analog visual language that arises in Solaris refers to abstract and experimental film.
