Eva L’Hoest

Eva L'Hoest
Eva L'Hoest

The place

Le Pavillon



Hours and dates

  • From 10am to 6pm daily

Belgian artist, Eva L’Hoest (b. 1991) has been creating a delicate dystopian universe for several years. Between fictional and real ruins, the moving images of her films and installations explore the meanders of memory – human and non-human – reminiscent of larger economic and environmental issues.

For the realization of her fictional landscapes inspired by natural or domestic contexts, she mingles different technical image processes with research on subjects as vast and precise as the study of vanities, systems of measurement or ancestral beliefs.

Along the slow tracking shots of her films, water, nature, bodies, and architectural motifs often merge into a whole that decompartmentalizes the scales and makes the viewer fall into the heart of a fragmented matter in resonance with the complexity of the living. The plasticity of the images sewn from metadata and from technological and scientific vocabularies also defies the power of the algorithms from which she draws inspiration and which she dissects.

In the interstices of indeterminate, fragile and shimmering spaces, the artist questions transparency, the transfer of data and surveillance systems. Eva L’Hoest never gives up on reality, as evidenced by her practice of 3D sculpture and virtual reality that sometimes complements her films and installations. Her approach to the photographic image, whether sculptural, digital or conceptual, reveals and deconstructs ecosystems that alert us to our relationship to space and the digital era. Poetically, she explores the state of the world, our capacity to inhabit time and the power of contemplation.


As part of the Capture #2 exhibition to be held at Le Pavillon from 23 September 2023 to 14 January 2024