Étienne Mineur

Using complementary intelligences in design
Etienne Mineur
Etienne Mineur
Using complementary intelligences in design

The place




Hours and dates

  • Oct 27 from 15:20 to 16:00
Ambassade de France en Belgique
Institut Français

Étienne Mineur, born in May 1968, is a French designer, publisher and teacher whose work focuses on the relationship between graphic design and interactivity. He is the founder of Editions Volumiques, a publishing house as well as a studio for the invention, design and development of new types of games, toys and books, based on the relationship between the tangible and the digital.

Using complementary intelligences in design

Artificial intelligence, which simulates human intelligence, has made significant advances thanks to Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Today, these “intelligences” are outperforming humans in many fields, although they lack morals and ethics. Generative AI, capable of creating original content, is revolutionizing various sectors, including design. During this presentation Étienne will be showing a number of projects using AI in design, and discovering how these AIs can help develop new ideas and forms, and improve the creative process.

Thanks to the support of European FEDER funds, this conference is exceptionally being offered free of charge, on request from the festival reception (entrance to the marquee).

Etienne Mineur's work
Etienne Mineur's work
Etienne Mineur's work
Etienne Mineur's work