Edan Kwan

Immersive Experience in Pyjamas: A Fantastical Bedtime Story from the Realm of creativity
Edan Kwan
Edan Kwan
Immersive Experience in Pyjamas: A Fantastical Bedtime Story from the Realm of creativity

The place




Hours and dates

  • Oct 27 from 12:40 to 13:20

Edan Kwan (b. 1986, Hong Kong) is a visionary digital artist and highly sought-after creative director in the dynamic design and advertising industries. With a unique ability to blend art and technology, he is recognized as a leading-edge artist and a creative force to be reckoned with.

Having lived and worked in dynamic creative hubs like Hong Kong, New York and Tokyo, Edan now calls the United Kingdom home, where he owns and operates Lusion, a multi-award-winning digital production studio that is renowned for creating cutting-edge and immersive digital experiences for leading brands.


Immersive Experience in Pyjamas: A Fantastical Bedtime Story from the Realm of creativity

Through the looking glass of this talk, you’ll discover how to paint with physics, and sculpt with mathematics, using creativity as your palette and WebGL as your canvas. You’ll traverse the neon highways of data visualization, scale the shimmering mountain peaks of 3D modelling, and dive deep into the iridescent oceans of immersive experiences.