Marco Barotti

Marco Barotti
Marco Barotti

The place

Halle Al'Chair



Hours and dates

  • From 10am to 6pm daily

Marco Barotti is a media artist. After music studies at the Siena Jazz Academy, he began merging sound with visual art. His work is driven by a desire to invent an artistic language in which a fictional post-futurist era is expressed through kinetic sound interventions in natural and urban environments. His installations merge audio technology, consumer objects, and waste into moving sculptures triggered entirely by sound. The primary focus of his work is to create a “tech ecosystem” that plays with resemblances to animals and plants. These artworks serve as a metaphor for the anthropogenic impact on the planet and aim to make people aware of environmental and social issues.

His work has been exhibited internationally at Ars Electronica (Linz), Saatchi Gallery (London), Science Gallery (Melbourne), Tokyo Biennale (Tokyo), Gwangju Biennale (Gwangju), Zer01ne, (Seoul), Fact (Liverpool), Wro Art Center (Wroclaw), Picknick (Seoul), Isea (Montreal), ARCAM Architecture Center (Amsterdam), silent green (Berlin), Dutch Design Week (Eindhoven), Stuck (Leuven), Sevcableport (St Petersburg).

Marco Barotti


Barotti welcomes the visitors into a poetic and immersive sonic experience. A metaphorical reinterpretation of the water quality from the Sambre River.

In nature, clams are detectors of pollutants : they serve as tiny filtration systems.

CLAMS is a collection of kinetic sound sculptures which convert data from water quality sensors into sounds and movement. Each ‘clam’ is constructed from recycled waste plastic and contains a loudspeaker. The continuously evolving microtonal soundscape gives each shell a subtle, life-like opening and closing motion.

Recorded data from a water purity sensor placed in the Sambre River form the basis for the music. This generated composition constantly evolves with the water quality levels over time.

Clams invites the audience to engage with the water and its surrounding environment, bridging the gap between media art, data sonification and the imperative of ecological preservation.

Clams is a project created and produced by Marco Barotti
Software development Marco Accardi, Pim Boreel

Special thanks to Anders Ehlin, Marco Canevacci, Yena Young, Stefan Dietzelt, Carsten Reith, Daniel Brunet & Markus Wüste for advises and support

Clams was developed at WRO Art Center within the framework of EMAP / EMARE

Co-funded by:
Creative Europe, C-Takt, Oerol Festival, and Transnatural

Supported by:
Ambient and “In-Situ” water quality measurements

Clams is awarded from the NTU Global Digital Art Award Singapore 2019

Marco Barotti
Marco Barotti
Marco Barotti
Marco Barotti
Marco Barotti