Joanie Lemercier


The place

Grand Manège



Hours and dates

  • From 10am to 6pm daily

Joanie Lemercier (b. 1982) is a French visual artist and environmental activist whose work explores human perception through the manipulation of light in space.  Working primarily with light projection and computer programming, Lemercier transforms the appearance of everyday objects and forms, bending reality to his imagination.

In recent years, Lemercier has become increasingly concerned with climate change and environmental degradation, lending his projection skills and artistry to activist causes and groups such as Extinction Rebellion, Les Soulèvements de la Terre, Ende Gelände, as well as developing a new body of work, Slow Violence which looks at the devastating effects of coal mining on one of Europe’s oldest forests.

He has been working with projected light since 2006 and co-founded the acclaimed visual label AntiVJ in 2008. Represented by a New York based gallery since 2010, Joanie founded his creative studio in Brussels in 2013, under the co-direction of Juliette Bibasse.

Joanie Lemercier



Brume is a contemplative installation by Joanie Lemercier, using an atomized water custom device.

With space and immateriality as a canvas, creating a mid-air floating projection, Joanie frees his work from the physicality of usual devices. Thanks to this volumetric tool, he modifies our frontal relationship with screen and allows new interactions between the viewer and the projected image.

He explores the possibilities of this new medium with a series of tableaux questioning our view of reality.

In his work, Joanie is researching timeless subjects like light, matter, geometry. With Brume, he is also interested in the link between water, light.

Like a transition or passage, the visitor discovers an intangible image, suspended in the void. For Joanie, it is a form of achievement to “escape from the screen”.

The image is moving in space and the viewer’s movements bring depth. This time of contemplation and calm invites to a sensory experience : enjoying the sound of the water, feeling the freshness of the mist.

Studio Joanie Lemercier :
Co-direction : Juliette Bibasse
Technical development : Martin Pirson
Production : Nicolas Roziecki.

This project is supported by Wallonia-Brussels Federation.
