Eloïse Le Gallo & Julia Borderie

Bleu silico
Bleu Silico
Bleu Silico
Bleu silico

The place

Espace Saintraint



Hours and dates

  • From 10am to 6pm daily
Ambassade de France en Belgique
Institut Français
Le Fresnoy

Since 2016 Julia Borderie & Eloïse Le Gallo follow an exploratory mode to analyse water as a substance influencing territories and bodies. At the crossroad of viewpoints and disciplines, and melting sculpture and cinema, they question human gestures that shape materials and landscapes. Recently, they collaborate with scientists and their cutting edge technologies.

Borderie & Gallo

Bleu silico

Researchers are trying to inject DNA from photosensitive algae to heal our retinas.
From ocean blue to the computers blue screen, the vision is hybridized.
Bleu Silico is a poetic-scientific meander guided through glass sculptures, recounting ancestral relationships between algae and human retinal cells.

Bleu Silico
Bleu Silico
Bleu Silico
Bleu Silico
Bleu Silico
Bleu Silico
Bleu Silico