Amos Peled

Phantom Limb
Phantom Limb 1
Phantom Limb 1
Phantom Limb

The place




Hours and dates

  • From 10am to 6pm daily
Ambassade des Pays-Bas

Amos Peled is a Dutch multidisciplinary artist who focuses on performance art, experimental music and technologies. He holds an MA from ArtScience (2022), KABK, and a diploma in film and new media studies.

Peled introduces medical technologies into creative environments in order to raise doubt, challenge conventions and provoke reflections on what is considered normal or ordinary especially in medical terms.

Amos Peled

Phantom Limb

Phantom Limb (2023) is a project exploring the enigmatic and poetic relationship between a human being and the black box that is their interior through the use of a medical ultrasound machine. Amos Peled has been developing methods to perform audio-visual manipulations which transform the ultrasound machine into an instrument that illuminates the inside of the body and expands the space of the artistic act into the organs, under the skin. The work investigates conceptions such as the distance of the human body from the idea of oneself, the hierarchical relationship between the inside and the outside, pain as a poetic message, and the lack of internal symmetry.

In Phantom Limb the ultrasound medical technology is revisited in an art context, where the machine becomes a source for inductive, creative, and speculative investigation. By discovering the variety of possible sounds and images that the machine can produce and the use of a special made audio visual system, a playful framework for constructing imagination-evoking sequences and visual storytelling tools are established, this creates the conditions to reimagine medical technology.

Peleds interest in the theme of medical technology comes from the experience of growing up in a hospital environment, where he observed firsthand the working processes of the medical system.

Phantom Limb is commissioned by iii in collaboration with Rewire, Amare, and Tetem.

Artistic and production assistant : Andrejs Poikans

Software development and Artistic assistant : Daniel Treystman

Sound : Liza Kuzyakova, Amos Peled, and Andrejs Poikans

Phantom Limb 2